Nice write-up. What's your background if you don't mind me asking? I'm a dev but I want to get into hardware/robotics. I'm interested in how we can bridge the gap between high-level reasoning capabilities of LLMs and the low-level sensory and motor controls of robots. But I have zero background in any robotic stuff right now.
Step 1 is the software update (updating fast food to use LLMs), then the robots come next. At which point we'll have completely autonomous McDonalds haha.
My fav line from the article is:
"Large orders of fries delivered hot, thanks to large language models? It’s not completely clear what that means".
That's super cool. I only have a background in software but I want to switch into robotics. I just started on this journey a couple weeks ago, so I'm brand new.
Thanks for being the first poster! Unfortunately I can't add much to the convo here because I'm a beginner with hardware, but its a new hobby of mine I started a couple weeks ago.
Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but why does transforming source code into markdown optimize it for LLM interaction? I haven't heard of this but will deff give your extension a try.